Friday, April 25, 2014

New - Session Payment Feature!

Paying for session fees has become even easier. Payments can now be made straight from the website.  Simply go to the home page and click on the Sessions link at the bottom!  From there you can pick payment for your deposit or the balance of your session fee. The site will allow credit card payments but if you prefer you can still always pay by check or cash.  Any product fees will be done separately through the website as well, but after your session has occurred.

Right now, you will only find the link for the basic session deposit/balance, however, since we will cater to your needs, we can always customize this feature accordingly.  Please contact me for more details.

I hope that everyone had a great Friday!  Things are moving along here and I am excited for the things to still come!

Thanks for your continued support and love.

- Gabrielle

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

For those that celebrate Easter- I hope that you all had a happy one!  After a total of 3 egg hunts in the past week, it is obvious here that the kids had a special time and we have WAY too much candy in the house.  Yesterday was a great day spent with close friends, great food, excellent weather, lots of eggs, and playing.  I think all the kids slept pretty well last night- I know I sure did.  I have attached some pictures of the kids - Enjoy!  Time to start getting back to work!

Someone is on the look out for some eggs!

X caught in the act

I love this picture of  X looking to see where the eggs went!

So happy for his finding

Bucket is too heavy!

Someone went hiding after finding eggs

Monday, April 14, 2014

Truth of Innocence

I can specifically remember when I took this shot this weekend that it captured the purest form of innocence. She is 3 1/2, she knows nothing of hate, she will play with anybody regardless of what they look like, she shares with others, and she is truly trusting.  Her world problems consist of a rain storm preventing a day outside and an at times pesky brother.  She has the world at her hands and can do anything she wants, be anybody she wants to be, and go anywhere she wants to.  This is the age of believing in everything and knowing nothing- it's pretty precious to think that way isn't it.  I have to hope that she can hold on to some of this and maybe that we can each get a little of it back.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Old Friends, New Friends

Finally- the weather has been absolutely beautiful and staying for longer than a day or two.  This weekend (especially Saturday) was no exception and just absolutely beautiful and so much fun.  Good friends from high school were in town with their little ones so we all got together for some running around Duke Gardens.  The kids all had a great time and definitely burnt some energy.  After that we went over to family for a great Easter egg hunt and more running around for the kids.  I don't think I have ever seen our little ones SO tired, especially Reed who ended up sleeping until after 7 this morning.  It was nice for us all.  We had such a great time and are looking forward to another wonderful weekend ahead.  


My daughter requested pictures of certain flowers so we could print them out and put in her room- purple is one of her favorite colors 

Feeling confident about the eggs she has found

Maybe we have a future Olympic gymnast on our hands??

I just love how simple this makes life look and so pure