Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dress Up Time...and some other shots

Camdyn just loves to get dressed up.  She usually runs to her closet to pick out her clothes, LOVES her shoes, and likes to accessorize!  I love watching her get ready.  My sister had bought her several dress up outfits and when getting ready for the day she decided that she wanted to be Snow White.  Her face just lit up when she put it on.  After some time in the Snow White dress, she was ready to get into her normal clothes but had to put her accessories on, ALL of them :)  So we had about 4 or 5 bracelets, several necklaces (including a gold medal), and her lovely sunglasses.  So of course, I had to get my camera :)

I can't forget to also include some pictures of Reed.  He did not partake in dress up today but I do have some pictures of him from the past couple of days that you will also find below.

I hope that this finds everyone well...Enjoy!

She decided to throw in her own princess crown for her own touch


Even a princess can still color

He's a big deal

She truly loves him

Big Yawn!

With Daddy

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camdyn's 2nd Haircut

I love Camdyn's curly and crazy hair.  It fits her personality so well, it's just her.  However, it has gotten a little out of control lately so it was time for her to get her hair cut again.  We went to a local kids salon and she did great and looked like a doll! It appears that she still has some new hair coming in but its coming in straight-it would be quite interesting if her hair now changes?! Will be interesting to see how it continues to grow over time :)

Had to share a couple of pictures from our outing- Enjoy!

Before the haircut we grabbed a quick lunch, Camdyn LOVES flowers, real or fake :)
MMM smells so pretty
Here we go again!

All done :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bubbles, Bike, and Babies

Just this past weekend, my in-laws came up for the weekend (they live about 3 hours south of us) to spend time with the kids.  With them they brought Camdyn some bubbles- which she LOVES to do.  So the weather was great and we spent some time outside playing bubbles and watching Camdyn ride her tricycle.  We had a great time and Reed loved getting outside as well.  I have added some pictures from our time outside and then a couple other ones of the kids from the past week.  Enjoy!

Camdyn watching where her bubbles were going 

Making more bubbles

Chilling with Grandpa

Stopping for a quick snack- yum strawberries!

The kids both wearing monkey outfits

So many new things to look at

Friday, August 10, 2012

Reed is 1 month...

Well he was, now he is almost 6 weeks old.  I fell a little behind with his monthly pictures and had to take them when I could.  Hoping his 2 months will be more on time :)  I have added below just a couple that I was able to snag.  Enjoy!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Another Summer Day- BBQ with Friends

In the spirit of the summer talk from yesterday's entry, we went to friends housewarming BBQ this past weekend.  It was another perfect day- while there were some clouds in our vicinity we never got in the path of any rain.

It was a great day with great people, you may even remember Jackson and Henry from a photo shoot I did back in May.  I took some pictures of the kids having fun on the Slip N Slide and Kiddie Pool- they had a blast and I know that Camdyn fell asleep quite quickly when we got home.  Enjoy!!

Camdyn was quite happy to have the pool to herself for the majority of the day. 

Guess she got a little bored in the end in the pool and decided to come after Henry 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Love

I really enjoy the summertime, even here in Florida.  It is just a great time of the year with so much you can do outside.  I must say that it is even more enjoyable when you get to be home with the kids, even if it is for maternity leave.  I have been enjoying every moment of it.  Now that I have been cleared from the doctor with no restrictions as well I am spending some one on one time with Camdyn to continue to help her with the transition of adding Reed to the family which has been a joy as well :)  Anytime with the kids is a blessing!

I am still a little behind in getting pictures up, including my personal ones.  I am going to post some from a variety of events and will be posting more soon as well.  With adjusting to Reed's schedule I have been working on pictures in between, but am getting through them.  I hope that everyone is enjoying the summer as much as we are!  More to come soon- enjoy!!

 It's not summer if you are not swimming in the pool

Having a blast getting splashed, perhaps the next Missy Franklin in training?

At lunch, being a little shy

One of Reed's favorite poses

Funny girl- she decided that she liked my lunch better so took my sandwich, fortunately hers was pretty good too :)

Camdyn loves doing arts and crafts on the patio

When asked to smile, this was the face I got :)

I love her eyes!

During one of our mommy/daughter outings we went out to get some ice cream- a favorite treat for us both.